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Electron Beam Evaporators

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Item IDItem DescriptionDescriptionVacuum System#PriceNotes Location
1827 Airco Temescal SFIH2701Single Crucible Electron Beam Source 1 3,751.00 F* Scotia, New York
80199 Airco Temescal VES 2550E Beam Deposition System, 4 PocketCryo Pumped 1 F* Scotia, New York
147905 CHA Industries SEC-1000-RAPElectron Beam EvaporatorCryo Pumped 1 F* Scotia, New York
163850 Heraeus 09751751Infrared Emitter Assembly 1 Scotia, New York
36660 Leybold LAB 600 EBE Beam Evaporator--Ion AssistTurbo Pumped 1 F* Scotia, New York
85226 MAGNETRON HEAD PK 90Magnetron Head 1 Scotia, New York
140569 MAGNETRON SPUTTERING CATHODE 6" x 40"Production Magnetron Cathode 6" x 40" 1 F* Scotia, New York
92507 MAGNETRON SPUTTERING CATHODE, 6"Magnetron Sputtering Cathode 4 Scotia, New York
1557 Stackpole N/ACrucibles, GraphiteNew-Never Used 15 Scotia, New York
83849 Telemark XY SWEEPXY Sweep Control 3 1,950.52 Scotia, New York
43846 Temescal BJD 1800E Beam Evaporator, 10CC CrucibleCryo Pumped 1 F* Scotia, New York
87979 Temescal BJD-1800E Beam Evaporator, 7cc CrucibleCryo Pumped 1 F* Scotia, New York
244096 Temescal BJD-1800Temescal BJD-1800 Electron Beam EvaporatorCryo Pumped 1 110,029.48 Mountain View, California
40300 Temescal VES-2550High Volume EvaporatorCryo Pumped 1 F* Scotia, New York

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  F* if the item is specially featured
  N* if the item is newly added, and/or
  R* if the item's price is recently reduced.

Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Electron Beam Evaporators:
Airco Temescal, CHA Industries, Heraeus, Leybold, Stackpole, Telemark, Temescal